Play Want Bin Eternal September (PWBE 12 Aug 2024)
(too old to reply)
Kendrick Kerwin Chua
2024-08-12 01:12:08 UTC
Hey, where did all the posts from before May go? Eternal September is
literally missing like a decade of UGVM posts. That might be because I'm
connected over the unencrypted port and not leafnode-ing copies of the
posts locally, which is probably against the Geneva Convention or


Nothing (RL) - For like three weekends in a row now. I mean, that's not
strictly true because I got a few minutes of Saints Row III and Namco
Museum Volume 4 in, but that barely qualifies as worthy of reporting on.


The original Namco Museum Volume 3 disc (PSX) - My collector's fury has
caused me to obtain copies of all five Playstation discs in the series,
which include many arcade ports not seen since. But my OCD also can't
let it lie that I have four discs that are original printing and one
that's a green-label Greatest Hits version, so now I have to get another
one that's the original. What a stupid hobby this is.


Nothing game-related.


Balance forward - $1,758

Namco Museum Vol 4 (PSX) - $69
Ace Combat 3 (PSX) - $30
Fatal Frame (PS2) - $70
Fatal Frame III (PS2) - $70
Barbie Horse Adventures Riding Camp (DS) - $5
Collection of Intellivision Classic Games (PSX) - $8
Spider-Man (MD) - $8
Game Gear 4-in-1 Pack (GG) - $9
Saints Row The Third: The Full Package (PS3) - $9
Putt and Putter (GG) - $5
Home Alone (GG) - $5
My Horse and Me 2 (DS) and some Layton games - $11

Total to date - $2,054

-KKC, who hopes to get some gaming time in this week.
Russell Marks
2024-08-12 11:04:38 UTC
Kerbal Space Program (Linux) - took on another rescue mission
contract. It was on Mun, so I figured, Mun is really close, a pretty
easy one. But somehow I always underestimate how much fuel it actually
takes for a Mun landing and takeoff, and I had to do a near-polar
landing which was a pain. I'd also managed to configure my old rocket
intended for Mun landings wrongly, so the probe core worked while
nobody was on board, but as soon as the non-pilot being rescued was in
the capsule I only had partial control. With low fuel as well, this
was a huge mess. After taking off from Mun, I only managed to reach
orbit with the aid of the "rescued" individual's jetpack while having
to ditch the spacecraft. So, as ever, I had to rescue the rescue
Post by Kendrick Kerwin Chua
Nothing (RL) - For like three weekends in a row now. I mean, that's not
strictly true because I got a few minutes of Saints Row III and Namco
Museum Volume 4 in, but that barely qualifies as worthy of reporting on.
That's perfectly valid of course, but has me wanting to get
self-indulgent for a moment here.

When I first started doing PWB posts, I was all about playing the
games, and talking about them was incidental at best. At this point,
when I tend to play games far less and currently with very little
focus on any games which are even remotely modern, I'm more concerned
with rambling on about whatever games I do happen to play, however
briefly and however old they might be. For me it's now as much an
excuse to do some minimal regular writing, as crude and simplistic as
it is, as anything else.

So my personal take on this is that any crap at all is equally worthy
and not worthy of being written about, because I feel like writing in
itself is the reason to care - even if it might not be the greatest
prose known to humanity, nor offer the most profound of insights, nor
be read by many people at all. But to each their own. :-)

That said, at times I will do ridiculously minimal posts with just a
few words about some ancient thing which nobody has cared about for
decades. Obviously. Because this is Usenet.
Probably to try moderately recent indies on the mini PC at some point,
as I think it should be able to manage some.
Post by Kendrick Kerwin Chua
The original Namco Museum Volume 3 disc (PSX) - My collector's fury has
caused me to obtain copies of all five Playstation discs in the series
Nice. I will carefully avoid mentioning Namco Museum Encore.
Buying Bluetooth in-ear headphones (just as an alternative to the
speaker(s) I tend to use with e.g. the PC), having inexplicably
managed to overlook how much I disliked even retro in-ear stuff. The
modern type seem so absurd - it's like inserting dual Babel fish. If
this is the price to be paid for better sound, I'll have worse sound
and count myself lucky.

Kendrick Kerwin Chua
2024-08-12 14:19:48 UTC
Post by Russell Marks
Post by Kendrick Kerwin Chua
The original Namco Museum Volume 3 disc (PSX) - My collector's fury has
caused me to obtain copies of all five Playstation discs in the series
Nice. I will carefully avoid mentioning Namco Museum Encore.
I know about that one, and it's less relevant to me because it's
JPN-region. As nice as Rolling Thunder is I'm dead certain I have it on
at least two other platforms, so I'm not bothered.
Post by Russell Marks
Buying Bluetooth in-ear headphones (just as an alternative to the
speaker(s) I tend to use with e.g. the PC), having inexplicably
managed to overlook how much I disliked even retro in-ear stuff. The
modern type seem so absurd - it's like inserting dual Babel fish. If
this is the price to be paid for better sound, I'll have worse sound
and count myself lucky.
I won a set of very nice, very expensive in-ear buds at the last tech
trade show I was compelled to go to before the pandemic happened. I
immediately traded them in for some Megadrive games and a Zelda of some
description. I can't stand having so many batteries to charge.

I generally use PSP headphones, with the little microphone stalk and the
over-ear clips. They're decent in terms of sound fidelity but more
importantly they don't drown out all the ambient sound. There's nothing
more frightening than realising you've missed all the signs of an
impending grievous injury, and sound is the first clue that you need to
stand up and get out of the way. I'm convinced that the rash of people
dying of selfie photos is because they can't hear the earth shift or the
tree branch crack under them.

-KKC, who has a pile of Wii sensor bars here to sort through.
Russell Marks
2024-08-12 19:34:36 UTC
Post by Kendrick Kerwin Chua
I generally use PSP headphones, with the little microphone stalk and the
over-ear clips. They're decent in terms of sound fidelity but more
importantly they don't drown out all the ambient sound. There's nothing
more frightening than realising you've missed all the signs of an
impending grievous injury, and sound is the first clue that you need to
stand up and get out of the way. I'm convinced that the rash of people
dying of selfie photos is because they can't hear the earth shift or the
tree branch crack under them.
Until now, I'd never realised that what most headphone reviews lack is
a tangible sense of creeping menace.

Kendrick Kerwin Chua
2024-08-13 12:33:14 UTC
Post by Russell Marks
Post by Kendrick Kerwin Chua
I generally use PSP headphones, with the little microphone stalk and the
over-ear clips. They're decent in terms of sound fidelity but more
importantly they don't drown out all the ambient sound. There's nothing
more frightening than realising you've missed all the signs of an
impending grievous injury, and sound is the first clue that you need to
stand up and get out of the way. I'm convinced that the rash of people
dying of selfie photos is because they can't hear the earth shift or the
tree branch crack under them.
Until now, I'd never realised that what most headphone reviews lack is
a tangible sense of creeping menace.
I may not be the prettiest girl in the film but I promise you I will be
the last one standing as the serial killer carves a bloody path through
the campground.

Incidentally, I just learned that Eternal September only keeps 90 days
of history active for the uk.* hierarchy, so there was no issue with
retention apart from my inability to read Terms Of Service blurbs. And
since we only post a few times once a week it looked like a
statistically small number of posts rather than the correct block of
time. So now that Google has thrown the entire Dejanews function out of
their pram I need to find a new Usenet archive that's actually worth

-KKC, who has too much to do with his work week.
Russell Marks
2024-08-13 13:37:45 UTC
Post by Kendrick Kerwin Chua
time. So now that Google has thrown the entire Dejanews function out of
their pram I need to find a new Usenet archive that's actually worth
Maybe this?


It's not exactly ideal, but it's something.

Also, I could be wrong but I got the impression that Google were still
making old posts available, just not carrying any new ones. So I
suppose they might still be usable for pre-2024 stuff.

